Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Breaking Into the Workplace!

Image result for workplace

So you've landed a job! And in all your waves of excitement come nervous thoughts of transitioning into a new work environment with new people, new tasks, new assignments and more. So how do you make the transition as smooth as possible? Here are 3 tips on breaking into the workplace!

1. Keep an Open Mind
I believe this is the most important tip in transitioning into the workplace. We as college students have expectations and different thoughts of the workplace. Although we may have interned at companies and gotten a preview of what that environment should feel like, expectations can hinder us from having an easier transition. Work environments differ in each company and some may be more relaxed or reserved than others. Keeping an open mind and not having high expectations will make the adjustment better. Now keeping your expectations low doesn't mean forgetting about workplace standards such as safety, fairness and equality. Keep an open mind about the personalities and how the environment is run overall. You should in no way work for a company that doesn't provide the basic standards of workplace etiquette and makes you feel discriminated against.

2. Befriend a Key Influencer
Connecting with a key influencer not only keeps someone in your corner but gives you a mentor. This person should be able to give you insight to the environment as well as give you advice on how to adjust. Try to look for someone who has been with the company for a while and seems to have adjusted well. They can also open up other connections for you to other influencers in the office.

3. Be Confident
Last but certainly not least, be confident. You were hired for a reason! Your qualifications speak for themselves. On the first day, don't be afraid to introduce yourself. Ask questions and take part in group discussions in meetings. Ask questions to learn more about how you can help the company reach its goals. Don't hold back but step right into your role. You may not understand all of the ins and outs of the work environment, but being confident shows your effort in truly wanting to be apart of the workplace.

What tip was your favorite for breaking into the workplace?


  1. Great article, Tesia! My favorite tip on how to break into the workplace is to be confident in yourself. As nervous as I get going into interviews or on my first big day of work, I have to remind myself, I was chosen for a reason and this company sees potential in me. I enjoy meeting new people and understand how important networking and connections are in the workplace. During my summer internship, I met so many inspiring people who I would love to work with again someday. I was never afraid to ask questions because I’d rather ask and do something right than be afraid to ask and have to redo it. I agree with your comment that being confident truly shows how much you desire being a part of the workplace.

  2. I think your blog is a MUST READ for any college graduate or young adult starting their own lives in their 20s. As a professor, I think...it is so amazing how such a young woman can have such a good handle on the transition to adult hood. As a person, I think...where was advice like this when I was struggling with these things in my 20s!

    1. Thank you! Starting good habits early prevents running into avoidable mistakes later!

  3. Yet another great post Tesia! I think that your tip number two is the most important. I have heard this same piece of advice at every internship I have ever done. I really think that having a mentor who is experienced in the same field can be an incredibly invaluable asset as we transition from being college students to being professionals. These mentors can really help to give advice and point us in the right direction!

    1. Thanks Erika and yes you need someone influential in your corner!
