Yep. Another post on leadership skills. In the transition from college to the work environment,or any stage in your life, leadership characteristics are valuable attributes to have. They not only give you a one up on your colleagues but provide opportunities for growth. Here are 10 leadership skills to have that make will make you stand out!
1. You have to give more than you get in return right away.
2. You have to invest in yourself when no one else will.
3. You have to grind out the details.
4. You have to do your own research even when you are handed the "facts".
5. You have to be kind to people, even when they are rude to you.
6. You have to try and be prepared to fail. And then try again.
7. You have to be accountable for your actions.
8. You have to keep moving forward.
9. You have to take risks.
10.You have to lead, even when no one is following you.
Which characteristic is your favorite?
These are great characteristics a strong leader must develop and present to be respected by others in the business world. My favorite characteristic a leader must have is “you have to be kind to people, even when they are rude to you.” Working in customer service, I have encountered several situations where the customer has fussed at me for a problem that I did not create. As a customer service representative, it is my job to fix the issue at hand, and in a professional manner. When someone is rude, I take a step back and assess the situation and give them the best customer service that I possibly can. The issue would get nowhere if I was rude right back to the customer. Instead, I am kind and considerate of their problem and do everything in my power to solve it. My parents always taught me to be the bigger person in every situation. Being kind will get you MUCH farther in life than being rude and inconsiderate to others. I strive to be the bigger person and pass along positivity and happiness to others that need it most.
ReplyDeleteI really like that one too Whitney. It reminds me of a quote- “Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.”
DeleteThis is another great article! I especially love point number 10. "You have to lead, even when no one is following you." As a leader of an on campus organization, I have found that there are many times when I seem to be the one who has to care the most to get us anywhere. While I'm completely content to do this because it is an organization that I am incredibly passionate about, it does get exhausting after a while. Then something amazing will happen and the entire group gets behind it. This just restores my resolve as a leader, and makes it all worth it.
ReplyDeleteI love to read your blog posts! You really give some extremely helpful tips in the whole transition from college to the working world. My favorite one would have to be "you have to try and be prepared to fail. and then try again." With graduation approaching faster then I ever imagined it would, I have started the whole process of trying to find a job (along with the majority of seniors). Starting to go on interviews and go through the whole process is kind of scary and stressful. The tip above honestly is perfect for what we all are going through. You are going to on job interviews and going to really want a job but end up not getting it. And as hard as it is to fail, thats life. You need to fail but then you need to pick yourself back up and try again even harder than before. You can fail and make mistakes but it's how you pick yourself back up and never give up especially if it's something you really want. And in the end, it will all be worth it because you will end up where you are meant to be. Great post!!!